Welcome to the Technology Outreach program. This program is still in its early days of planning and execution but as we start these projects I hope to bring a structure that allows for many opportunities for students to be able to acquire A+ hours or even use this as a way to grow in some basic skills of video and social media productions that can be used for personal or school related projects in the future. I also hope to offer even more use of our technology to students in the future to assist in school projects that may require creating videos, presentations, or other technology-related projects as I did back when I attended North Platte High School and continued to use in college and now my current day to day activities at work or volunteer projects.
-Zachary Schank
What we Plan to Do
Click on the tabs below to learn more
- North Platte Historical Society Museum and Historical Society
- Record and edit video/audio of events or interviews at the museum to start an archive of historical events or people of the North Platte Area. Example Videos
- New Projects being planned soon.
The Dearborn United Methodist Church with a partnership with the Northern Platte County Area Chamber of Commerce plans to reach out to members of both the chamber and the community and to offer assistance in creating digital media like videos or pictures that can be used in formats like social media posts or in the Chamber’s Monthly spotlights.
Once a project is agreed upon and outlined, Dearborn UMC with the lead of Zachary will ask for volunteers from students to assist in going out to film, record, etc… to collect digital material to work on the projects. We plan to only take no more than a couple of hours to collect the necessary shots to complete the project before moving on to the next phase of the project.
All technology like cameras and software are being donated by Dearborn United Methodist Church for these projects.
Once we spend some time filming and collecting information for each project, another day can be used to come back together or a different group of student volunteers can come together to edit and finish the project to send to the “client” for final approval and use for the “client’s” use or for the Chamber spotlight.
All editing with careful upfront planning, we plan to take no more than a couple of hours for each project. Of course this could vary with each project but we plan to keep most projects simple that all can be completed within a couple of hours for each phase, so that all volunteers are only required to block out sometime on a Friday or Saturday to work on this project and then be free to enjoy the rest of their weekend.
This project will be able to claim A+ hours for the volunteer work for the project. You will gain time worked with a minimum of 1 hour guaranteed for assisting in a project.
Depending on the project location of filming may vary so the ability to drive or get to the locations may be necessary. If unable to drive themselves or get a ride, volunteers may need to assist with projects that are in their area or only be able to assist with parts of the project that fit your availability.
Dearborn United Methodist Church, at 106 S June Street in Dearborn, may be a central location to work on editing for projects or the use of the Mid-Continent libraries in each of the the three towns can also be spots to meet. All of this can be discussed or decided with the volunteers for each project.
- Assist in Live-Streaming at DUMC. Want to learn how to stream or experience some of our uses of technology? Drop by at our 9:30 AM Sunday service to observe or volunteer and have a discussion with Zachary.
- Assistance with digital projects for classes: Discussions can also be held with Zachary to discuss assistance with projects related to school by asking for the use of some technology we could assist like camera, mics, etc.. to quick suggestions or lessons on simple editing skills that we have picked up from our own video productions.
- Website design or learning how to get started. This website was built and maintained by Zachary for the Dearborn United Methodist Church and would be willing to show or share what he has learned in creating this site and some free options that others could learn how to build a website. No coding required.
Of course, we want everyone to be safe so we do ask if any students want or ask to volunteer for a project, we expect that they have their parent/guardian’s permission to take part in these projects. We will always be open to communication with all volunteers of exact locations and schedule plans for each project. We will also ask individuals or businesses who we create projects for to keep the locations simple to access or meet in a public and central location to film to keep it easy for our student volunteers.
At Dearborn United Methodist Church we take great care to promote safety and safe places for all. That is why we make sure Church volunteers have gone through Safe Gatherings training and certification or at least one trained personnel is present at all times and we work with the principle that two leaders are present at all times with the students. As the main lead of the overall project, Zachary has gone through Safe Gatherings training and always plans to work with another assistant.
We gladly welcome any parents or guardians to join with the student(s) to assist in the project.
We will note that this is all based on volunteer work so the strength and success of this project will relate to the commitment of all involved and the availability of church volunteers like Zachary to help lead and plan the project, so there may be times of limited projects due to schedules and availability.

We take the safety and the well-being of everyone who comes through our doors a top priority. That is why we ask many of our members and volunteers to go through Save Gatherings for a background check and training. We always have at least one Safe Gatherings certified personnel at our events. You can learn more about Safe Gatherings by clicking here.
All Safe Gatherings certifications are renewed every three years for each individual.