Staff & Volunteer Leaders

Pastor Scott Kiddle
Scott started his first Sunday at Dearborn United Methodist Church on July 2nd, 2023. We are excited for him to join us and our community and look forward to working with him as our current Pastor at DUMC.
You can contact Pastor Scott at

Zachary Schank
Zachary Schank is the Treasurer, Technical Director, and a member of the Board of Trustees of the Dearborn United Methodist Church. He set up and maintains the church website. Zachary has been a full member of DUMC since 2009. He graduated from Missouri Western State University with a Bachelor of Science in Biology on May 2nd 2020. He has been to Belize, Costa Rica, and Arizona on class trips to study the culture and natural environment of those countries and US state. Zachary enjoys a good mystery by his favorite authors Agatha Christie and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. He also enjoys spending time with family and playing board games with friends.
You can contact Zachary through email at

Susan Lober
Susan Lober has lived within fifty miles of Dearborn for most of her life. Known as “Susie” to her family, she moved to Dearborn with her parents in 1968 and graduated from the North Platte R-1 school district in 1971. Her parents remained in Dearborn as Susan completed her higher education at Missouri Western State University earning her a B.S. degree in Recreation Administration. She began her working career by serving within not-for-profit organizations in the St Joseph area. Susan made a permanent move back to Dearborn in 2003 and has been an active member of the Dearborn UMC since that time. She has served the church as Pastor-Parish Chair, Lay Leader, Lay Member to Annual Conference, Newsletter Editor, and currently as Council Chair. Susan lives in the family home in Dearborn with her “leap of faith” Labrador, Ms. Millie. Having a love of sewing, Susan participates every year in the Church’s ministry of sewing baby rag quilts for Children’s Mercy Hospital.