
You can give below with a one-time donation or sign in to give a recurring offering.
If you decide to give online, please note there are fees that are deducted on the offering to to help pay for the secure transaction between you,, and to the church. To help pay for fees you can click the box to add a 2.9%, for credit cards, to the offering to help offset the processing fees for the church if you so choose. No matter how you give your offering is appreciated and you help us continues God’s work in our missions. Thank you.
To help make the most of you offering, try to do one larger donation than smaller donations like monthly vs weekly donations if at all possible. There is a transaction fee of $0.30 for each separate donation involved so one donation is $.30 while four would add to $1.20. These types of transaction fees are common when using credit cards in stores and when wiring money from one bank to another which is why these charges occur within online giving.
If you do not want to use the online system, you can mail your offering to DUMC at PO Box 187 Dearborn, MO 64439.
If you have any questions or comments, you can contact Zachary Schank, Treasurer, at
Thank you for your support.
CarePortal Fund
Below you can give to our CarePortal Fund this page is hosted and run by CarePortal and allows the community and members to give to a dedicated fund to help our Church assist with requests that are received in CarePortal. This money is only used for CarePortal requests and end-of-year giving/tax letters will be sent by The Global Orphan Project.
The Global Orphan Project is a registered 501(c)(3) Non-profit Tax-Exempt Organization
You can learn more with the link by clicking here
If you have any questions you can contact Zachary Schank, Treasurer, at